How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (2024)

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (1)

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  • What is a memory leak?
  • Finding a memory leak

You may have heard the phrase, "You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much RAM." RAM is a vital part of a computer system, providing for computer data storage via volatile memory. The current recommended amount for a new system build is 16GB of RAM, with 32GB more suitable these days for those who want to "future-proof," or have more advanced needs, such as multitasking, CAD, or video editing. For even more advanced users, 64GB or 128GB of total system RAM may be easily justified.

Our computer systems have large amounts of RAM at their disposal, all to avoid running low on this all-important resource. A shortage of memory on a desktop will grind the system to a performance halt. This is because when the computer is running low (or out) of available RAM, it performs a process called “paging,” in which it swaps out data that’s in RAM to the storage drive. This creates virtual memory, which then allows the computer to continue its task. All of this shuttling of data back and forth between RAM and the slower virtual memory has a negative impact on performance, as you might guess.

So the recommendation is to have plenty of RAM installed, with "the more RAM, the better" being the mantra.

Despite having this overabundance of RAM in modern computers, there can still be situations where the system runs out of memory. The most obvious is simultaneously running multiple memory-hogging applications—4K video editing software, or a ridiculously large number of tabs open in a browser—that use up all available memory resources. The solution to this issue is to install more RAM, and/or have the computer run fewer programs simultaneously.

What is a memory leak?

What is a memory leak?

Despite having adequate RAM and not running resource-intensive software, there can be another situation where all available RAM gets used and performance degrades. This is known as a memory leak, and it happens when software fails to manage the available RAM correctly.

With the computer functioning normally, RAM gets used by software in a dynamic fashion, and memory resources are allocated as needed. When software no longer needs the RAM resource, it is then “returned,” so that it can be reallocated to the next program when needed. In a situation with a memory leak, RAM gets allocated to the software but is not freed up when no longer needed. It’s akin to the memory getting stuck in a roach trap—“Roaches get in, but they can’t get out.” As this continues, a large chunk or even a system’s entire complement of RAM can be tied up in this dysfunctional process.

This is ultimately caused by a software bug. For example, Windows 11's File Explorer was recently said to cause a memory leak for some users. These are usually patched out pretty quickly, but they can be quite damaging to your PC's performance while they're still a problem.

What does the user experience? Unfortunately, no version of Windows flashes a popup to alert the user that a memory leak is occurring, so it’s not a simple issue to diagnose. The system can have a myriad of symptoms that point to a leak, though: decreased performance, a slowdown plus the inability to open additional programs, or it may freeze up completely. This is often exacerbated by having lots of available memory; if the leak only consumes a few MB of RAM each minute, it could be a day or two before the problem reaches the critical level.

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The solutions at this point are to close the offending process in the task manager, or a system reboot, which will free up all the RAM so that the process can start again. While a reboot as a solution will get the system running again, it does not precisely diagnose the issue, nor give the user a good idea of what happened or how to avoid it happening again. It is analogous to lighting your lawn on fire just to get rid of some dandelions—too much treatment for the problem at hand.

Finding a memory leak

Tracking down a memory leak can be a difficult process. Let’s say a program runs for a brief amount of time and has a memory leak. As the process terminates, it may not be an obvious issue if there is more than adequate RAM to support other processes. However, with a longer-running program that grabs more RAM, it can eventually grab all the system’s RAM and grind your rig to a standstill.

Using Window's Resource Monitor

To find a memory leak, you’ve got to look at the system’s RAM usage. This can be accomplished in Windows by using the Resource Monitor.

In Windows 11/10/8.1:

Press Windows+R to open the Run dialog; enter "resmon" and click OK.

With Resource Monitor open, select the Memory tab.

In Windows 7:

Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Resource Monitor

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (2)

Looking at Physical Memory, start by confirming the correct amount is displayed as installed, to ensure that there isn’t a hardware issue. Now look at the amount of available memory, and the amount that’s in use. This will show if the system is running low on memory, or if there’s plenty available.

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (3)

Next, we turn our attention to the processes running that are using the memory. Rather than scrolling through the whole list, you can click "Commit (KB)," which will reorder the list so that the most memory-intensive tasks appear at the top. This makes it easy to see which software is using the most RAM. In the above example it’s "Firefox.exe," better known as the Firefox browser (for the record, there were four tabs open at the time of the screenshot). Also note that at the top of the Processes, 39 percent of physical memory was being used, indicating adequate reserves for additional processes.

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (4)

Displayed on the right side of the screen are the monitors over time, which indicate the last 60 seconds. The top panel shows the "Used Physical Memory," and we can see that it is slightly increasing over time, but there’s still a significant portion available, allowing the system to remain stable.

Limitations of Window's Resource Monitor

It’s certainly worthwhile to keep an eye on the Window's Resource Monitor, as it can show the available memory and the processes that are using the most resources. However, it also has some significant limitations.

The first is that it is not continuously monitored. It requires opening the Resource Monitor, and doesn’t run continuously in the background. As an aside, Windows Gadgets, which were introduced in Windows Vista and continued in Windows 7, offered a gadget that did this. As it turned out, these gadgets were vulnerable (as most software is), so they were discontinued and are no longer available from Microsoft. While we never thought we’d pine for Vista, this was truly a useful feature that may have been dropped a little too soon.

The other limitation is that it only goes back 60 seconds. If a memory leak occurs and the software is closed, chances are it will not be caught in the act and correctly identified as the culprit.

CleanMem Mini Monitor

So, with Windows not having a robust tool to tackle the memory leak issue, we turn our attention to a third-party software solution. It's called CleanMem Mini Monitor, which you can download here.

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (5)

CleanMem Mini Monitor is designed to sit just above the Windows System Tray in the lower right-hand corner. It’s flexible, and can be toggled on and off. This is useful, because it provides real-time status of total memory and the amount that is committed to running processes. As software is opened and closed, it’s useful to be able to see how the RAM that is used is impacted, and also to see when there’s little or no free memory available. This can also be used as a guide in your decision of whether you need to purchase additional RAM for your rig.

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (6)

In the general tab of CleanMem Mini Monitor, you can choose to run the program automatically at system startup. The background colors of green for 0–50 percent usage, yellow for 50–75 percent usage, and red for greater than 75 percent usage give a good visual indication of the RAM that’s being used, and if it’s getting critically low.

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (7)

Moar RAM

How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (8)

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In the free version of the program, the Advanced Monitor settings are locked and not user configurable. However, they do give insight into what CleanMem Mini Monitor is doing. We can see that it is set to Auto Run every five minutes when memory usage is 75 percent or more. It’s also set to Auto Clean the file cache every five minutes when the file cache is 50MB or more. While this is generally used as a set-it-and-forget-it program, you can right click the program and run it manually as needed, too.

The more you know about what to look for and how to deal with memory leaks, the better. While CleanMem will not eliminate every memory leak issue, it does a good job of getting committed memory back to available status. While a full system reboot is the ultimate solution for RAM that is erroneously misallocated, you can improve your system stability with CleanMem, and make the reboot solution much less common.

The permanent solution of course is to get software updates for any applications or drivers that happen to have a memory leak, fixing the problem. In an ideal world, leaks wouldn't happen, but with software becoming increasingly complex, sometimes things are missed. Often, a leak will simply result in the offending application crashing (this has happened with many games where playing for hours ultimately leads to a crash-to-desktop, at which point the memory is reclaimed), but there are many other factors that can also come into play. If you're routinely getting "out of memory" errors, however, keep an eye on your memory usage using the above tools and you will likely discover a leak that needs to be plugged.

Jonas DeMuro

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How do I check for memory leaks, and what should I do to stop them? (2024)


How do you check for memory leaks? ›

To find memory leaks and inefficient memory usage, you can use tools such as the debugger-integrated Memory Usage diagnostic tool or tools in the Performance Profiler such as the . NET Object Allocation tool and the post-mortem Memory Usage tool.

How to stop memory leaks? ›

Follow the steps given below to fix the memory leak in Windows 10/11:
  1. Close the Problematic App & Restart Your Computer. ...
  2. Disable Startup Programs. ...
  3. Use Memory Diagnostic Tools. ...
  4. Adjust for Best Performance. ...
  5. Defrag hard drives. ...
  6. Update Your Device Drivers. ...
  7. Run an Antivirus Scan. ...
  8. Disable Windows Tips and Tricks.
Feb 1, 2024

What is the best tool to detect memory leaks? ›

Among its various tools, Memcheck is particularly adept at detecting memory leaks. Running your application through Memcheck can help you identify where your program is leaking memory by providing detailed information about each leak, including the amount of memory leaked and the stack trace leading to the allocation.

How do I find memory leaks in go? ›

Identifying Memory Leaks in Go

Specifically, you can use the heap profiler to track memory allocation. Capture heap dumps: By integrating the net/http/pprof package, you can expose an endpoint in your application that serves memory profile data.

How do I free up memory leaks? ›

How to Fix Memory Leaks on Windows
  1. Close the Application Hogging Your System Memory and Restart Your Computer. ...
  2. Disable Startup Programs. ...
  3. Update Your Operating System and Device Drivers. ...
  4. Adjust Your Computer for Best Performance. ...
  5. Clear Your Paging File. ...
  6. Check for Malware. ...
  7. Check for Memory Issues.
Sep 24, 2023

What is a memory leak and how do they happen? ›

A memory leak occurs when a process allocates memory from the paged or nonpaged pools, but doesn't free the memory. As a result, these limited pools of memory are depleted over time, causing Windows to slow down.

Which analysis is used to detect memory leak? ›

Memory Analysis can request leak checks from librcheck at regular intervals and at program exit time. Valgrind Memcheck tracks all allocated heap blocks so it can find memory leaks when the program terminates.

How do you identify memory leaks in browser? ›

Use a memory profiler: Use a memory profiling tool to identify memory leaks in your browser. These tools can track memory usage and provide insights into which components are consuming the most memory. Clear your cache: Clearing your cache can help to free up memory in your browser.

What is the memory leak detection app? ›

LeakCanary is a memory leak detection library for Android. LeakCanary's knowledge of the internals of the Android Framework gives it a unique ability to narrow down the cause of each leak, helping developers dramatically reduce jank, Application Not Responding freezes and OutOfMemoryError crashes. Get started!

Where are memory leaks found? ›

Where are memory leaks found? Explanation: Memory leaks happen when your code needs to consume memory in your application, which should be released after a given task is completed but isn't. Memory leaks occur when we are developing client-side reusable scripting objects.

How do you detect memory leaks react? ›

Understanding Memory Leaks in React

A memory leak occurs when an application continuously uses more memory without releasing unused memory back to the system. In the context of React, this often happens due to improper handling of component lifecycle, subscriptions, event listeners, and closures.

Do memory leaks matter? ›

Consequences. A memory leak reduces the performance of the computer by reducing the amount of available memory. A memory leak can cause an increase in memory usage, performance run-time and can negatively impact the user experience.

What is the program that checks for memory leaks? ›

In this tutorial, we will review what memory leak is exactly concerned with and how to deal with its tools.
  1. #1) GCeasy.
  2. #2) Eclipse MAT.
  3. #3) Memcheck by Valgrind.
  4. #4) PVS-Studio.
  5. #5) GlowCode.
  6. #6) AQTime by Smartbear.
  7. #7) WinDbg.
  8. #8) BoundsChecker.

What are memory leaks most usually caused by? ›

A memory leak occurs when a computer program incorrectly manages memory allocations. In an ideal scenario, whenever we create a program, it should free up memory that it no longer needs. However, when this doesn't happen for some reason, it leads to a memory leak.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.