Web Tools APIs | USPS (2024)

Web Tools APIs | USPS (1)

USPS® and Web Tools APIs make it easy for developers to integrate USPS tools and resources into their own websites and applications. Learn more about what’s available and how you can access it.

New USPS APIs Developer Portal

Enhance your customer experience with leading-edge API management through the USPS APIs Developer Portal. We make it easy for you to integrate APIs into your website with self-service developer onboarding and a library of ready to use APIs.

When you sign up, you gain access to:

  • Testing environments
  • Interactive documentation
  • Modernized RESTful, HTTP-based APIs

Sign Up for USPS APIs

Web Tools APIs | USPS (2)

The deadline for migrating to the new USPS Label APIs was July 14, 2024. If you're still using Web Tools Label APIs, you risk service interruptions. Please contact your USPS Territory Representative to start the migration process.

Web Tools APIs | USPS (3)

Legacy Web Tools API Library

The USPS Web Tools® API Library will be phased out soon. Until then, Web Tools still gives access to important tools you may need for your ecommerce website. You can check shipping rates, track packages, and schedule a package pickup through the legacy program. Below you can find details on how to use the existing legacy Web Tools content.

Unsure whether you need to register for Web Tools API library or the new USPS APIs Developer Portal?

  • Web Tools API Library
    • Only register for the legacy Web Tools APIs if your third-party software vendor or platform requires it.
  • USPS APIs Developer Portal
    • All other users should register for the new USPS APIs.


Web Tools 2024 Release Notes (PDF)

Web Tools Label API Migration Guide (PDF)

Web Tools Label API Mapping Guide (XLSX)

Web Tools Notice: Account Duration (PDF)

Web Tools Notice: TLS 1.2 Protocol Compliance (PDF)

Updated documentation is now available (Updated 8/12/2024).

ExpressMail to ExpressMailCommitment API Transition Guide - HTM | PDF

New label API restrictions:

  • Label API Restrictions Notice - PDF
  • Label API Restrictions FAQs - PDF
  • Customer Options – Postage Labels - PDF

Web Tools APIs | USPS (4)

Get Email Updates

Receive email notifications about Web Tools Maintenance updates.

Subscribe Now

Legacy Web Tools Developer Center

Step 1: Sign Up

Complete the online registration form for access. Please note registration is required for Web Tools access and is separate from any other USPS.com credentials.

Register Now

Once registered, you’ll receive an email with your assigned Web Tools User ID. You’ll then have access to our most popular APIs like the price calculator and address validation/standardization. For access to more secure APIs, like Label Printing, you’ll need to request additional permissions in Step 3.

Step 2: View Documentation

Explore API Technical Docs and use the Quick Code provided below to test in your favorite browser.

For developers integrating Web Tools into a custom application, we specifically recommend:

  • Step-by-Step Instructions for All USPS Web Tools (important information when getting started)
  • API User Guides (API–specific technical/integration information)

Step 3: Integrate and Request Additional Permissions

Integrate with USPS Web Tools to start making live calls to Web Tools APIs and make shipping easier for you and your clients.

For access to more secure APIs, like Label Printing, you’ll need additional permissions. Contact the Internet Customer Care Center with the following information:

  • "Web Tools API Access" in the subject line of the email
  • Which APIs you want to access beyond those provided automatically
  • If you'll be modifying the label image

Need more help? View FAQs

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View API Technical Documentation

Get Started with Price Calculator

Try the Domestic or International Postage Rate APIs first or jump right into the technical documentation and start developing.

Explore Web Tools Right from Your Browser's Search Bar

Once you have completed registration, explore the most popular Web Tools APIs and make live calls to Web Tools® right from your browser. To make live calls:

  1. Open a new .txt or word .doc and copy and paste the User ID from the email you received from registration@shippingapis.com. Keep it on hand for the following steps.
  2. Insert your Web Tools user ID into the USERID="" value
  3. Insert today's date into the value of the "ShipDate" tag (if applicable)
  4. Select the entire XML code below and paste it into the search bar of your browser
  5. Hit enter to make the call and receive a response in your browser
  6. Experiment with Web Tools and change some of the values of the XML tags

Try the Domestic Rate Calculator

Calculate postage rates quickly and easily online for domestic and international shipping. Try the Domestic Rate API below or jump into the technical documentation and start developing.

View Technical Document

Test XML Request

https://secure.shippingapis.com/shippingapi.dll?API=RateV4&XML=<RateV4Request USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


<Package ID="1ST">





Try the International Price Calculator

The International Rate API calculates international postage rates quickly and easily. Try it out below or jump into the technical documentation and start developing.

View Technical Document

Test XML Request

https://secure.shippingapis.com/shippingapi.dll?API=IntlRateV2&XML=<IntlRateV2Request USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


<Package ID="1ST">





Verify an Address

Save time and money by reducing shipping errors due to incorrect address entry. This tool corrects errors in street addresses, including abbreviations and missing information. It also supplies a ZIP+4® Code.

View Technical Document

Test XML Request

Address Validation

https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=Verify&XML=<AddressValidateRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


<Address2>6406 IVY LANE</Address2>



ZIP Code Lookup

https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=ZipCodeLookup&XML=<ZipCodeLookupRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


<Address2>6406 IVY LANE</Address2>



City/State Lookup

https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=CityStateLookup&XML=<CityStateLookupRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">

<ZipCode ID="0">




Track a Package

Get estimated delivery information and track any package shipped via Priority Mail Express®, Global Express Guaranteed®, or Priority Mail Express International® services. Check the tracking information for packages shipped with USPS Tracking®, Signature Confirmation, Certified Mail®, or Registered Mail® services.

View Technical Document

Test XML Request

https://secure.shippingapis.com/shippingapi.dll?API=TrackV2&XML=<TrackRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">



Look Up Delivery Dates

Get estimated and guaranteed delivery dates with Service Standards and Commitments APIs.

Test XML Request

Priority Mail® Service Standards

https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=PriorityMail&XML=<PriorityMailRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


View Technical Document

First-Class Mail® Service Standards

https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=FirstClassMail&XML=<FirstClassMailRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


View Technical Document

Priority Mail Express® Service Commitments

https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=ExpressmailCommitment&XML=<ExpressMailCommitmentRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


View Technical Document

Service Delivery Calculator

https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=SDCGetLocations&XML=<SDCGetLocationsRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX">


View Technical Document

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Developers: Web Tools FAQs

Open or Close content below Are the USPS APIs free?

Customers who have registered for a USPS Web Tools® account and agreed to the terms and conditions of use can access USPS APIs for free.

Open or Close content below How do I get access to USPS APIs and receive my user ID?

Get access to USPS APIs when you register for a Web Tools user account.

Register Now

Once registered, you will automatically receive an email containing your assigned Web Tools User ID. After you receive this email, you can use the following APIs:

  • Price Calculators
  • Service Standards & Commitments
  • Address Information
  • Package Pickup

Open or Close content below The labels I am able to print contain a “SAMPLE-DO NOT MAIL” watermark. How can I print actual labels?

The API containing "Certify" is our testing API and will print labels with the sample watermark. In order to generate actual labels, you must remove "Certify" from all of your Web Tools XML requests.

Open or Close content below Does USPS have an EDDM API available?

We currently only offer Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®) services through our online application.

Go to EDDM

Open or Close content below Have there been any recent or upcoming changes to Web Tools API?

To provide the very best API offering, we periodically update our systems which may require current customers to update their software. To determine if these changes/updates apply to you, refer to our most recent Release Notes. This document contains all new changes and steps to resolve if you are affected. Please remember to first contact your software provider for any integration-related questions.

Shipper Support Center

USPS Web Tools are ecommerce application program interfaces (APIs) that can be used for online stores or customer service centers—free of charge.

Ecommerce Website Support

Get access to our Web Tools through a simple registration process. View FAQs

Register Now

Once registered, you’ll receive an email with your assigned Web Tools User ID. You’ll then have access to the most popular APIs. For access to more secure APIs, like Label Printing, you’ll need additional permissions. Contact the Internet Customer Care Center with the following information:

  • "Web Tools API Access" in the subject line of the email
  • The software vendor you are using
  • Which APIs you want to access beyond those provided automatically

Want to hire a professional?

To assist companies that need help integrating USPS Web Tools into their sites, the Postal Service publishes contact information for some companies willing to provide services that meet our criteria. These lists are not exhaustive and being listed is not an endorsem*nt by USPS.

USPS Web Tools Integrators

Some companies that may be able to assist with the integration of USPS Web Tools or help you build a customer solution using Web Tools ecommerce APIs.
View List of Integrators (PDF)

USPS Web Tools Product Providers

Some companies that sell products with Web Tools already integrated.
View List of Product Providers (PDF)

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Shippers: Web Tools FAQs

Open or Close content below Why are my Web Tools credentials not working when I try to login on USPS.com?

The login page on USPS.com® is not related to APIs. There is no "log in" functionality for your Web Tools credentials. Your username and password will allow you to gain access to the Web Tools servers.

Use your credentials to:

  • Log into the interface of your third-party software
  • Add authentication to your back-end programming in the API, XML

The login page shown on the usps.com website is not associated to APIs. Please review the technical documentation if you need more information about integration.

Open or Close content below Why are the production server URLs I received not working when I click on them?

The production URLs included in the email confirming your registration with Web Tools are not links to a viewable website. These URLs must be included in the XML Request used to connect to our APIs (please refer to our technical documentation) for more information. If you are using a third party ecommerce software, it’s possible that these URLs are not required, and therefore, do not apply to all customers using our APIs. Please contact your software provider for more specific details concerning integration requirements.

Open or Close content below I am using a third-party ecommerce software to connect to USPS APIs, and I am having issues retrieving prices or services from USPS.

Since USPS® does not know every specific integration requirements of all the possible software options available, we recommend that customers first contact their provider to troubleshoot integration-specific questions.

Open or Close content below I have contacted my software provider, and I still have questions for USPS. How do I proceed?

We will be happy to assist all customers provided the following information is included when you contact the Internet Customer Care Center.

Customers must provide:

  • Copy of a sample XML request resulting in the issue or error, pasted into the body of the email
  • Complete description of exact issue you are experiencing
  • Name of API
  • Name of third party software provider

Please note that without the above information, our USPS® agents will not have sufficient information to investigate Web Tools API issues properly.

Contact Us

If you have technical questions or need more information, contact the Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC).

Hours of Operation

Monday–Friday: 8 AM–8:30 PM ET
Saturday: 8 AM–6PM ET
Closed: Sunday and Postal Holidays
Open Holidays: 9 AM–6 PM ET

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Presidents' Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans Day

Contact Information

Email Internet Customer Care Center
Call: 1-800-344-7779

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Web Tools APIs | USPS (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.